In the world of social media marketing, LinkedIn is a platform that is oft-overlooked. However, for some small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs), LinkedIn is the perfect platform to market their products and services. If you are looking for a way to reach a brand new audience of potential customers, here’s how LinkedIn can help.

80% of B2B marketing leads sourced from social media come from LinkedIn

A strategic approach to LinkedIn marketing involves more than just posting updates. It includes leveraging LinkedIn Ads to amplify reach and engagement. Partnering with a digital marketing agency can be particularly beneficial here. Their expertise in PPC spans across platforms like TikTok, LinkedIn, Bing, Google, and Facebook, ensuring that SMBs can maximize their advertising budget effectively across multiple channels.

By harnessing the agency’s knowledge of LinkedIn’s advertising capabilities, SMBs can create compelling ad campaigns that resonate with their target audience, driving both brand awareness and lead generation in the competitive B2B landscape.

Types of Businesses that can Benefit from Marketing on LinkedIn

To better understand what businesses could benefit from marketing on LinkedIn, you first need to take a closer look at LinkedIn itself. LinkedIn is a social network designed for business professionals, and those on LinkedIn use the platform in order to make connections that could benefit them in their professional career. Therefore, many people on LinkedIn are either business owners themselves or work as key decision-makers for a company.

LinkedIn offers businesses a unique opportunity to optimize their marketing strategies. By leveraging the platform’s robust tools for business networking and professional connections, companies can effectively target decision-makers and industry influencers. Lets Get Optimized, a digital marketing agency specializing in maximizing online visibility, recognizes LinkedIn’s potential to connect with a highly targeted audience. Through strategic content creation and targeted advertising campaigns, businesses can establish thought leadership and build credibility within their niche. 

Additionally, LinkedIn’s advanced targeting options allow businesses to refine their content distribution and reach specific professional segments effectively. By utilizing features like sponsored content and InMail campaigns, companies can directly engage with decision-makers and industry influencers who are most likely to benefit from their services. Slate Studio, with its focus on strategic content creation, can utilize these tools to amplify their reach, ensuring that their messages and offers are seen by the right audience. This targeted approach not only boosts engagement but also drives higher quality leads, enhancing overall marketing effectiveness on the platform.

Given this, the types of businesses that stand the most to gain by marketing on LinkedIn are business-to-business (B2B) companies that are marketing their products or services to other businesses. For B2B SMBsLinkedIn is the perfect platform for reaching their target audience.

How to Market on LinkedIn

Marketing on LinkedIn is much like marketing on Facebook. You’ll want to create a complete and professional profile for your business, attract followers, publish engaging content, and sponsor that content when necessary.

You may also wish to create LinkedIn ads in order to drive potential customers to your website and landing pages.

The key to successful marketing on LinkedIn is to fully understand your target audience, then create a LinkedIn marketing plan that focuses on attracting followers within that target audience and engaging them with the type of content that they want to see. Sometimes, a little outside help can go a long way to helping you accomplish this goal and turn LinkedIn into a marketing machine for your B2B company.


LinkedIn is like Facebook for B2B companies, allowing them to go where their customers hang out and market to them directly. Effectively leveraging LinkedIn to reach new customers and drive sales, though, requires a targeted and well-executed marketing plan.

If you would like to learn more about how we can help you make the most of LinkedIn and get your products and services in front of businesses everywhere, we invite you to contact us today.

Firefly Tech Solutions is a Social Media Management Company located in Lakeland, FL. We help small businesses make the most of their presence on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and other social media channels. Stop spinning your wheels and find out how we can help you manage your social media marketing.

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