SEO is Does Not Require any Hocus Pocus

I’m going to be honest. I get a little frustrated with other SEO companies. They act as if SEO is some type of special magic or wizardry, but it’s not. Many like to deliver what I call smoke and mirrors, so buyer beware. Google may not expose all the details of their algorithm, but they make it pretty clear what will get a website good search results.

The one thing SEO is though is time-consuming. It’s also not a once and done process. After ensuring that your site has all the proper meta tags, focused page titles and H1/H2 tags, you must then work on creating content that has the information YOUR target audience is searching for. You also have to update your content fairly regularly. The main reason for this is that your competitors are making tweaks and adding content and if your website is stale, they will outrank you every time.

It’s also very important that your website is mobile-friendly. The best way to accomplish this is by ensuring your site is responsive. A responsive website simply means that the website displays differently based on the screen size. So those with mobile phones will get as good a user-experience as those on a desktop computer. Google has put a lot more weight on this factor in recent years. So, if you want to rank on the first page of the search results, be sure your site is mobile-friendly.

To achieve this, it’s advisable to collaborate with a reputable e-commerce agency. An experienced ecommerce agency possesses the expertise to tailor your online store for optimal performance across different screen sizes, ensuring that potential buyers receive a top-notch experience regardless of the device they use. Integrating the services of an e-commerce agency into your online business strategy can significantly enhance your site’s mobile-friendliness, aligning it with Google’s preferences and potentially boosting your search ranking.

One crucial aspect of effective SEO strategy is identifying and fixing SEO mistakes that may be hindering your site’s performance. These mistakes can range from technical issues such as broken links and slow page load times to content-related issues like keyword stuffing or thin content. Partnering with an e-commerce agency or searching for online guide that specializes in SEO can help businesses identify and rectify these issues, ensuring their website is primed for maximum visibility and engagement. By addressing these SEO mistakes head-on, businesses can position themselves for long-term success in the competitive online marketplace.

Another factor that is vital to SEO is inbound links. This is where it gets tricky. Not all inbound links are good. Links from reputable, trusted, high-traffic websites are the best to get. It will not benefit you and will likely hurt your rankings if you have results from dozens of “iffy” websites. The best way to do this is through guest blogging or providing meaningful content on your own website that others WANT to link to. Another way to get inbound links is to ensure your website is listed on the big data aggregators such as Google Local, Bing Local, InfoUSA and more.

A notable strategy for acquiring valuable inbound links is through HARO (Help a Reporter Out) Link Building. HARO connects journalists with expert sources, providing an opportunity for businesses to showcase their expertise and gain backlinks from authoritative publications.

By actively participating in HARO queries related to their industry, businesses can not only secure valuable backlinks but also enhance their credibility and visibility as industry leaders. This approach not only contributes to SEO efforts but also aids in building personal branding, establishing trust and authority within the niche. As your insights are featured in authoritative publications, it not only drives traffic to your website but also enhances your online reputation. Consistently providing valuable insights through HARO positions you as a thought leader, reinforcing your personal branding efforts.

Thus, integrating HARO link building into your SEO strategy proves to be a potent method for augmenting visibility, credibility, and ultimately, personal branding in the digital realm.

Lastly, an SEO factor that is oft overlooked is page load speed. Several factors affect your page load speed including your code, size of your graphics and your webhost. You can get some insight into your page load speeds at this Google link.

SEO is our super-power here at Firefly. We love working with clients to ensure their site is properly optimized for the search engines. Our SEO services include:

  • On-page optimization
  • Ongoing content creation
  • Citation listing services
  • Site audits to improve page load speeds
  • Modification of code to make the website responsive
  • Inbound link services

Contact us today for an SEO consultation and proposal.

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